Tuesday, July 24, 2007

driving is seriously like, so easy? as easy as ABC? i admit, i do(used to) make mistakes while driving. that's because my instructor is a mumble man. well, most of the times, he's talking to the air. poor thing. i pity him. he will go:

"when using the half clutch to move you.... aefs3415hnl#acza5t$%^snf45cjkansdcjk."

so, all i have to do was to try it out myself!

and so, despite the fact about all his mumbling thoughout the XXX times of lessons, i manage to get hold of all the facts about driving! i must be one of the rare genius out there! in fact, he didn't really teach much. i figure it out all myself. see, i'm just a damn genius.

anyway, he praised me today! i really loathe it whenever he does that. 'cause the next moment, i'll make a mistake and he will start mumbling like never. it's really difficult for me to stay tranquil. what's more, he adding more spices to make me go mad stress. just like what i expected, i did something wrong later.

i don't know about other drivers. but to me, i don't know what's in me. whenever there's a person trying to cross the road, i'll just step the damn accelerator pedal hard. then, the mumbling man will go:

"how many times did i tell you, when you see a person crossing, slow down even if it isn't at a traffic light, let go the accelerator or step some of the brake. you wanna hit the lady/man/girl/old lady who is/are crossing the road? blah blah blah"

every lesson, same thing. i think he's so pissed off about it that whenever he sees a lady/man/girl/old lady who trying to cross to cross THEIR road, he will raise his voice like:

"let go the accelerator!" OR "STEP THE BRAKE!" OR "slow down, slow down, slown down."(and i'll be there, "ah fuck, just shut your damn mouth.")

BUT he's one of the best instructor if you take away all him mumbling, i swear. one of the most tolerant man who can accept my silly mistakes patiently. and those little times when i almost crash his car, he didn't even tick me off. all he does was mumble. and he always use niK to aspire or motivate me! he will go:

"YOUR COUSIN PASSED ON HIS FIRST TRY! THE ONE STAYING AT BEDOK ALSO. your cousin learn very fast. after a few lessons he can drive properly. your cousin doesn't need me to give instructions. your cousin.... your cousin."(YA LA! I KNOW LA. niK is MY COUSIN WHAT!)

i know, he's trying to tell me that imma slow learner. SO WHAT! at least less than 12 lessons i manage to drive like a man! and so, wait for my good news about passing on first try soon, like oct? =)

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