Tuesday, November 24, 2009





when i said the brothers were damn siao on, this is how siao on they were to carry gerald. hahaha!


Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that’s just fabulous.

Monday, November 23, 2009


head down for the wedding right after dbl o. POWER! this is ho with his drunken face!

and yes. if you happened to see this sliver limo yesterday at vivo, keppal bay, orchard, grand hyatt and clementi, you might saw me laughing at you inside, along with some of the sisters and brothers. its really funny when you see those people reaction when they saw a limo. same reaction-head turned, with the wow expression. well, there was one really childish fuck who pointed middle finger.

anyhow, yesterday was realllllllly great though i slept for a total of only 5 hours since thursday. oh well, i looked like crap in the morning. worst for the night dinner. the makeup artist did my make up as if i can make the makeup last for 10 years. i'm really not into thick makeup. should have done the makeup myself. =( i'll feel more comfortable.

the bully part for the brothers were really fun. video played in the night really made me laugh and the most embarrassing part of the video was when i asked for ang baos. the video man make that part repeat 3 times and i looked like so desperate for money. oh oh, the brothers also damn siao on. ask them do what they do what. steady, never chiong in. they even walked to the kopitiam with this attire,


HAHAHAHA. seriously make me wanna roll on the floor and laugh la!


the bed in hyatt was way to shiok for me to not fall asleep. here goes to two pictures of my ugly make up. one with my cuite little superstars and the other on was with bf yet the main focus was not on us. check it out,



Nice facial expression of the auntie and cool eyes from the little girl.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


because so many things are going around me, yet you have no idea about them. what worse is you are not paying attention to me. we are in a situation whereby noone is gonna give in to each other. we are hating each other. i swore to myself, i ain't gonna be the one giving in this time. what are we fighting for now?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Positive Thinking Ideas

Smile - Wherever and whenever you can. The one thing in life that we should be infinitely generous in is in giving out our smiles. In addition to putting yourself in a positive state, you will also positively affect the people around you as well.

Read positive, motivational books or quotes - This is a fast and convenient way to put yourself in a positive state of mind.

Call a friend - Give an old friend a call and make it a point to talk only about positive things.

Get out of your usual environment - Go to the park or anywhere that is nice and peaceful. By being in a new or not frequently visited environment, you will not be affected by any negative association that you may have with a certain place, i.e. your office.

Work on your goal setting or review the goals that you have set.

Listen to uplifting and positive music - Well selected classical music or movie soundtracks will usually do the trick.

Read motivational and positive stories - For example, books like Chicken Soup For The Soul. Or just do a search on the internet for motivational stories.

Exercise - working out can encourage a positive state of mind. It helps to release stress and puts you in a heightened state of awareness which induces positive thinking.

Creative expression - creative expression through activities such as writing/journaling, drawing, painting, playing musical instruments, dancing, photography and others can encourage positive thinking. Take up lessons or regularly set aside some time for these activities.

Sing and dance along to your favorite song.

Enjoy a nice cup of afternoon tea or evening wine while putting on some soothing music in the background.

i'm actually doing most of them to keep my days a better and meaningful ones. you might wanna try them too.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Chuck: I thought you said you were going home?
Blair: Changed my mind.
Chuck: Well if i’d known, I would have come sooner. Did you ever find Brandeis?
Blair: Yes. We’re not friends anymore.
But that’s okay, I have you. That’s all I need.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ever have that one person in your life that you just can’t give up on; the one person who can screw you over and over, time after time, yet you always seem to give them another chance? And no matter how many times you say this is the last one, you know that’s a lie because there’s always just one more chance waiting for them. The one person you know you’re better off without but yet you can’t find a way to let them go because deep down inside, you wouldn’t know what to do without them. The one person you know who doesn’t deserve you, but yet you choose to over look it because you love him.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

we were walking around ion in search for our dinner which favour to be japanese. ended up, i stood outside a jap restaurant just beside the hongkong cafe. we looked at the menu and stared at it blankly and said, "i think hongkong cafe is the best." which i was supposed to be talking to ho. i turned around and he disappear. seriously, what the fuck. he was totally out of my sight. i was practically talking to the menu. guess what, i saw him laughing hard at me at a corner and he was so happy seeing me not able to find him. FML man.

second thing that happened. i was really very kind. i told him if the bill is more than 35, i will pay, if its less than that, he will be paying. BUT he changed to, if its more than 35 he will be paying. since he insist that the bill will cost less than 35. fine, i said to myself. so, we asked for the bill and the waiter handed him the bill. guess what now, ho proudly asked the waiter to hand the bill over to be. FHL. the moment i saw the bill i laughed hard at him and passed it over to him. and his expression was "FML."


Saturday, November 07, 2009

Anyone can easily walk away from somebody else. Nobody is forced to stay; we all have choices. The real test is if someone would rather stay with you, even though walking away could be so much easier.

Silly Question We Can't Answer

Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but don’t point to their bum when they ask where the bathroom is?

Why does your Obstetrician, Gynaecologist leave the room when you get undressed if they are going to look up there anyway?

Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They’re both dogs!

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?

If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, then what is baby oil made from?

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

Why do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune?

Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet Soup?

Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog’s face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him on a car ride, he sticks his head out the window?

Does pushing the elevator button more than once make it arrive faster?

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Love. Easy word to spell. Easy word to say. Most people throw around the word “love” like it’s nothing. But it’s definitely something. It’s that “I can live without you, but I just don’t want to” kind of feeling that you get when you see that special someone. It’s more than romance, more than the exchange of sweet words. It’s the feeling of holding hands, soft kisses on the cheek, knowing that no matter what you’re going through in life, no matter how you’re feeling, that special someone will always be there to brighten your day, to know how to make you smile in their own special way. Don’t throw the word “love” around like it’s nothing, cause it’s everything. Never tell someone you love them when you don’t. Wait for that special someone, the one person that makes “love” what it is.

the after effect of "kiss leh, kiss lah" and martell.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009


Didn’t even knew what love meant before he appeared in my life. Only know I understand that great love does not consist neither of dependency to a person, nor of selfishness, but is much more than this. It is like when you immerse in the eternity of your own soul, in that place which you think belong only to toy, but where you meet the other. Only there you feel him deep look and you realize that you are eternally present in his soul and in his most private parts of his being. You realise that nothing matters, not to cry, not to shout. You realize that everything there is and everything there will be does not even exist, are not worth the smallest leaf which fell from the tree of the live of each one of us. And then you feel the need to touch the soul with your hand, to embrace it, to feel its breath, to know it closer to you than you are yourself. You want to kiss it, to share your entire life with it.

Love has such an impact that you understand that it is much above what you call life, Then you realise that no matter how much you try to embrace it, and kiss it, and feel its breath, all that can never be done, because you kill kiss only the man, you will feel his breath and embrace it. You will realize that that soul will be much above your life. As you are above his. You will understand that being with that soul is not possible through caresses, not word, nor kisses, but much more, though an unprecedented torment that you will not be able to sustain, no matter how much you want it, as it is so painfully sweet, a consuming fire that will burn in you in all the eternal moment of your life.

This is our life, the life of the soul mates, of always seeking one another and when they find each other they consume with the love of their love.

my favourite song. what a fab dance.
Every girl has that one boy, that they’ll never get over. That one guy who makes you laugh all the time. The one who gives you butterflies just when someone mentions his name. That one who remembers all the stupid things you say and reminds you about it months from now. The one who has his name written all over your heart. The one whom you compare to everyone. The one you never get sick of talking or hearing about. The one you cry over and over about. The one everyone thinks you can do better than. The one you ask why her and not me. The one when you first saw him you knew you loved him. The one that in some way ends up not being yours.
my finger is bleeding now because of my itchy hand. and the old folks say, "if you bleed at 12am, the bleeding will not stop." so, its just a very minor and its seems like a big hu-ha. bf ho even wanted to send me to hospital. SIAO RIGHT. well, seems pretty well after transforming my lady finger into an elephant's leg.