Wednesday, September 20, 2006

got to know that SOMEONE was just trying to spoil my relationship with ADE. how kind can that person be? faking all sorts of nonsenses and stories that made me curse my besties? fuck you! but i can be very sure that YOU will be very disappointed. ADE AND I GOT BACK TOGETHER AND EVEN BETTER! try harder next time alright. trying faking stories again? telling everyone how good you are that ADE defended you? dream on u idiot! what battle? get the fucking fact right now! no one is on a battle with you. in fact, you are thinking just so far. people bad-mouthed about you, you go to their blog and spout nonsense like "you took away my everything. you took away my confident. you drain it away from me." hey guys! if i took away her confident, why is she still wearing funny clothings? contradicting isn't it? for the sentence that i took away everything, it's totally stupid for real! GET A FUCKING LIFE MAN!

in the fucking first place, ADE AND I din say you can't bad-mouth about us. you have all the rights to do such stuff. however you chose not to, fool. but you are just kinda stupid to complain and ONLY scold us bitch? anyway, the law didn't say we can't bad-mouth about someone. one thing, you are very smart to bring your BELOVED boyfriend into this HU-HA that cause him to be a fool in everyone's eyes. the way he msged, god! it must be a joke of the day! you are just so brilliant to allow him to cheer up everyone up!

happy now? everyone is hating you. isn't it just so cool. another thing, improve your english please. read the dictionary just in case you make a big HU-HA again for things that are stated SO fucking clear. check what's 'cynic' before you make yourself and others a fool.