Wednesday, November 22, 2006

from 3% to 5% and soon, it will be 7%. how nice? they said it benefits the poor. but which part of it benefit the poor? increasing the GST mean price of everything will increase. where the hell will the poor get the money? why salaries never increase by 7% too? i know, other countries GST is like more than 10% but they are sucha huge country. can't be compare to us. way way different. kinda unfair though. so sad la. can't always got restaurants to please myself. lesser k session! sigh! my psycho niffer go ktv already. actually, increasing GST is almost what most singaporeans will expect. it's became a trend. every 5 years once. kinda metally prepared but just so annoyed. it's like where to get the money. lesser things to purchase and to pamper ourselves. JUST SO SAD la.

saw KELVIN today! so excited la. the last time i saw him was like around last year's christmas. i'm happy to see him but kinda sad too. after a year, his eye have not recover a single bit. he told me that if the condition worsen, BLINDNESS. sigh. stupid TTSH! don't even inform people about their appointment and stuffs. fuck! i really hope he will recover somehow.

i got a job and now, i found another one. so, 2 jobs. 1 is confirm, another pending. should i or should not get the second one? the second one will be at choc. how man! should i? what if i got no time? what if the time clash? sigh! i only wanna work friday, sat and sun. what if clash with my first work? argh! when i wanna find a job, none came. when i found one, ALL COME!