Wednesday, August 20, 2008


the longer the wait, it's dilemma. SEE LAH!

last night, when i was taking to winnie online, she told me her friend was using iphone and it kept on hang. out a sudden, the percentage of me getting the phone, dropped to 50.

but theirs was imported from US. wouldn't Sinagpore's be better? cause it's singapore? sounded so stupid. will Singapore's technology be better than US? okay, maybe somehow, but the iphone in SG will be second batch what, of course they will know how to crack the problems by now. isn't it so?

i saw the price of iphone. so to speak, it was actually a reasonable price. the whole group was so excited about it and for the whole day, iphone has become our main topic.

should i wait for them to get it first and see if it will hang? but what if it doesn't hang and i wanna get it, yet, buy the time, it's out of stock?!!!! or should in join in the fun with them this friday?

the problem her is, why did apple only gave singtel the exclusive? or maybe, shouldn't it be selling at ishop instead where all the ipods are?

ROAAARRRRRRRRRR! so how now, lah!?

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