Friday, October 26, 2007

i hate it when no one talks to me in the middle of the night.

it's always so kind of emo sessions.

and i'm so angry about something which i don't even know what is that. FUCK!


usually. usually. usually. usually. usuall. usually.
it must be usually. it's always him. fucks! along with mood wings.

i hate listening to song that reminds me of him. so, i removed the songs from my playlist. i don't know why, itunes played 'music' instead of my playlist.

i think i have relationship phobia.
no string attached is better isn't it? tell me this thinking is so wrong please~ or maybe strongly agree it with me please~

you see the benefits of no string attached
  • there will be fewer quarrels and it will not be firey
  • you don't have to report about your whereabouts
  • if someday you decide not to get along, you don't have to plan a huge breakup session
  • every meetups will be as sweet as possible

and now, i having super brain block to continue with the benefits!

'cause that bloody zs doesn't wanna take MRT tomorrow which means i can't wear skirt or dress. it has been weeks since i wear something windy below. ROAR! fooks. and i always have to wear shorts, jeans and pants. what the fucks. don't let me wear skirts of dresses then buy more jeans/pants/shorts for me la! wah lau! super angry la!


i feel like killing, punching and kicking. whada fuck! kaniniang.

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