Friday, March 28, 2008

boyfriend and i seem to have some connection.

there's this very day, i know my cellphone is gonna die on me before 2pm that day. yet, i forgot to bring the god damn charger to work. it was 3pm, pretty busy at work 'cause lkk always send me late to work and i have to rush through updating, arranging viewing and stuffs, i didn't hear any rings from my phone and i decided to check if it died. just like i expected, it did.

it's okay if my phone died on normal days 'cause i got another line which people will call or i diverted it over. but that day, i had no time to divert it over. i got this urge that bf is looking for me like mad shit. to try luck and see if my instinct is always right, i phoned him with the office phone. as expected, he was looking for me like mad cow. blah! and when i swapped my phone, singtel left me a msg that he called me like 5-6 times, and it was immediated effect that i called him back.

at times, i can really estimate what time bf will call me and i will take my cellphone out of my bag. just like the very first day i return back to work, i knew he would call me during his lunch.

prolly some brain waves connection.

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