Tuesday, November 10, 2009

we were walking around ion in search for our dinner which favour to be japanese. ended up, i stood outside a jap restaurant just beside the hongkong cafe. we looked at the menu and stared at it blankly and said, "i think hongkong cafe is the best." which i was supposed to be talking to ho. i turned around and he disappear. seriously, what the fuck. he was totally out of my sight. i was practically talking to the menu. guess what, i saw him laughing hard at me at a corner and he was so happy seeing me not able to find him. FML man.

second thing that happened. i was really very kind. i told him if the bill is more than 35, i will pay, if its less than that, he will be paying. BUT he changed to, if its more than 35 he will be paying. since he insist that the bill will cost less than 35. fine, i said to myself. so, we asked for the bill and the waiter handed him the bill. guess what now, ho proudly asked the waiter to hand the bill over to be. FHL. the moment i saw the bill i laughed hard at him and passed it over to him. and his expression was "FML."


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